Saturday 23.4. 14:00
The festival opens with a discussion between the author Bini Adamczak and the filmmaker Almuth Anders. Adamczak’s book “Relational Revolution” has meanwhile established itself as a must for left theory. In the conversation, the two will elaborate the concept of emancipatory revolution using concrete examples from Adamczak’s book. The focus will be on the two waves of revolutions in 1917 and 1968 and especially on the relations between genders produced by these revolutions. The emancipatory revolution is also a queer revolution; its is not about reconciling family and work, but about dissolving housework and wage labour; in the same way, it is not about a fairer relationship between so-called “men” and “women”, but about the abolition of men and women themselves. Do we need other ways of relating in order to form secure social relations?.

Bini Adamczak
Bini Adamczak, 1979, works as a freelance (read: precarious) author and artist in Berlin. Communism. Little story how finally everything will be different, appeared in 2004, whose English translation in 2017 caused an anti-communist shitstorm of the US right-wingers. 2007 she published Yesterday morning. About the loneliness of communist ghosts and the reconstruction of the future. The most beautiful day in the life of Alexander Berkman. About the possible success of Russian Revolution and Beziehungsweise Revolution, 1917, 1968 und kommende followed in 2017. Bini Adamczak is a member of the ›jour fixe initiative berlin‹.

Almuth Anders
Almuth Anders (*1986) makes they own films and works in collective collaborations at the interface of art, social issues and critical theory. After training as a video journalist in Berlin, they studied film at the HFBK Hamburg with Angela Schanelec, Prof. Dr. Hanne Loreck and Robert Bramkamp, as well as Goldsmith University in London. Almuths artistic work deals with the often invisible power structures that determine social reality. Almuth is part of the artist collective ZOLLO and the filmmaker collective GORGO.