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Film Trailer

Film Synopsis

“If…” or “While I was standing in front of a window, thinking about home”. A young woman starts a journey that she didn’t plan, but this might be exactly what she needs to confront some decisive What-ifs in her life.

Info box

Title: If…

Length: 13 min

Genre: Experimental

Country of Origin: Serbia/Germany

Coutry of Filming: Spain

Completion Date: 2022

Director: Tanja Brzaković

Film Stills

About the Director

Tanja Brzakovic was born in Belgrade. She received a master‘s degree in Directing from the Univerisity of Belgrade as well as from the University Hamburg in Germany. She writes and directs shorts and documentaries, and works as an assistant director and media teacher. Her films have been screened at festivals all over the world and garnered numerous awards. HOCHZEITSTAG was included in the 2002 Next Generation program of German Films and won the 13th Street Shocking Short Award. HIER BEI MIR was nominated for the First Steps Award and won the Sehsüchte Producers‘ Award in Potsdam. Her documentary JELENAS WORLD (2009) won the Palermo Paladion D‘Oro for the best editing. The documentary JOVICA AND HIS TEETH was shown on numerous world festivals and sold to TV Stations in Balkan Region and short film GOD´S WILL won several prices including Audience Award at 16th Sedicicorto film festival in Italy.