Film Trailer
Film Synopsis
Terrain Vague is a 16mm photo-roman, based on the images and accompanying log of a fictional female researcher who, over the summer of 2016, chronicles the development of a new private university-based innovation center from the shell of a former coatings laboratory in a poor and working class Southwest Philadelphia neighborhood.
Through her investigation into the innovation center’s raison d’etre–and thus the history and geography surrounding it–the researcher reflects on the endless cycles of “creative destruction” that undergird this development, and the entrepreneurial science fictions and urban nostrums that fuel such cycles.
Info box
Title: Terrain vague
Length: 48 min
Genre: Experimental
Country of Origin: United States
Completion Date: 2020
Director: Edward Kihn
About the Director
American filmmaker and artist Edward Kihn explores what links politics and society with technology. His work includes documentary and experimental films, photography and gallery installations. He also teaches film science at New York City University and has published a number of theoretical essays.