Film Trailer
Film Synopsis
This film is about a life left behind in a distant land, about a final departure, memory and loss, love and dead birds, visions and blindness.
A visual poem also inspired by a drawing by Egon Schiele.
Info box
Title: Lost images
Length: 35 min
Genre: Experimental
Country of Origin: Italy
Completion Date: 2022
Director: Cesare Bedogné
About the Director

Cesare Bedogné is an Italian photographer, film-maker and writer. His first, autobiographical novel and his black and white photographs were at he basis of the film “Story for an empty theatre”, which he co-directed with the Russian film-maker Aleksandr Balagura. He later directed the experimental/documentary short films “Maria’s Silence”, “The Last Step of an Acrobat”, “Photographing New York”. All these experimental films won numerous awards internationally and were screened in prestigious film festivals such as Art Visuals&Poetry in Vienna, the International Film Festival of Salerno, L’Europe autour de l’Europe Film Festival in Paris, Montecatini International Short Film Festival in Italy, the Cinemistica Film Festival in Spain, AMIIWorkFest in Vilnius and many others. He recently completed (June 2022) another experimental short entitled “Lost Images”, which also won many awards internationally. Further information is available on the artist’s website: